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20 Tips from 20 Years using Cubase - new video on YouTube

I know this will not relate to everyone but over the last two weeks (yes it takes me that long to make a video!) I have been working on my 'Top 20 Tips from 20 Years using Cubase' YouTube video. In it, I dive into my favourite tips and tricks, which I use on a daily basis.

Think 'hacks' such as 'Retrospective Record' (so that I never have to go into record mode and experience the dreaded 'red light syndrome').

Or the Paste at Origin function, which enables me to quickly move midi between tracks, trying new orchestration doublings effortlessly.

The video is jam packed with 18 other techniques or workflow enhancers - if you are a Cubase user, make sure to check it out below:

I hope you find it useful!

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