Welcome to the
Cinematic Music Made Easy Course


 Learn how to compose breathtaking and emotional Cinematic Music from scratch!


Uncover a step by step composing process to write great music, quicker and more consistently so you can make the process of writing more enjoyable.

Enrol Now

Did you know that most beginner or amateur composers never get past writing the first 8 bars of a piece of a music?

Do you struggle with turning your initial ideas into fully formed pieces?

So you never really end up with a finished piece of music. Just lots of little ideas floating around on your computer's hard drive. You have nothing really substantial to play for your friends and family, demonstrating to them that you are in fact a composer.

Do you have trouble orchestrating your music inside your DAW to create a rich, emotionally-charged piece of music? 

You spend all day on your 8 bars, listening over and over, trying to perfect the orchestration and balance. But when you go back to it the next day, you realise it sounds thin and muddy in the low end, with your samples sounding lifeless? 

Let me introduce you to the step by step composing process that I call CMOS

CMOS stands for Chords, Melody, Orchestration and Structure, and it's the workflow I use more than anything else when it comes to writing Cinematic Music.


The Cinematic Music Made Easy Course walks you through the step by step process, enabling you to :


Compose beautiful and emotional Music

Orchestrate rich and cinematic-sounding pieces

Develop your ideas into 2 minute pieces in a variety of styles

Produce great mockups to help get the most from your sample libraries

Who am I anyway?

👋Hi, I am Simon, from the Composing Academy YouTube Channel & creator of this course.

For years I struggled with composing music. My computer was littered with DAW project files of short ideas I had written, but never finished.

8 bars of a melody here, a chord progression there, random string ostinatos, with some percussion accompanying them.

 After studying for a composition degree at the Royal College of Music in London and then on the world renowned Scoring for Motion Pictures and TV program at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles,  I started learning how to take those initial ideas and develop them further. 

I also found myself scoring films, starring actors such as Christian Slater, Donald Sutherland and Kevin Hart, pinching myself that I was getting paid to write music to accompany their antics on screen.

In addition, I've also written Library & Production music, with my music featured in thousands of projects & placements and broadcast on TV around the world.

 I've also been incredibly fortunate to observe masters such as James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer at work through internships and mentorships, in addition to working as an Assistant to Christopher Young.  

Enough about me though - let's talk about the course.....


Here is what you will learn in Cinematic Music Made Easy:

Develop Ideas

Learn how to take a simple motif or idea and transform it into a two minute, emotional piece of cinematic music.


Learn how to take a simple piano sketch and orchestrate it in 7 contrasting ways, ranging from an intimate solo violin and piano arrangement, right up to an epic symphonic orchestral piece.


Discover the secrets to creating a strong and memorable melody that your listener will be able to effortlessly hum.

CMOS Workflow

Learn how to use what I call the 'CMOS' workflow - Chords, then Melody, Orchestration and then Structure.

Chord Progressions

Discover how to create an effective harmonic progression for your cinematic track, including using inversions and suspensions.

Writing in various Genres

How to take the step by step composing framework and apply it to various styles, including Love, Thriller, Action and Comedy.

Mockups & Mixing

Learn how to get the most from your sample libraries in order to create convincing demos.


How to write effective Ostinatos in order to add energy and movement to your music.


Explore how to write an effective 2 bar motif, which you'll then be able to effortlessly develop into a longer melody.

Here is what some recent Cinematic Music Made Easy course students have to say:

"I can't say enough about Composing Academy! I was struggling with making any headway into making compositions, even after some well-renowned teachers.

This course means it when it says it's beginner friendly. The information is well put together in concise, and easy to digest, bits of information. You get actual actionable steps that you can take to instantly start seeing improvement.

After just one day of courses, I magically had 6 different piano sketches to orchestrate.

Also, the PDFs are absolutely invaluable. Print them out and make yourself a book that's as valuable as gold to a composer! If you ever get stuck, there are MIDI files as well that you can pair with the PDFs and learn right from your DAW. The best composing decision I ever made!"

- Jeremiah George

"Simon’s course provides step by step instructions and score analysis. It's exactly what I needed to recognize weaknesses in my music and how to make a more robust piece of music.

Additional, through 1:1 classes that are offered, Simon has provided me valuable feedback and recommendations that I can use for current and future tracks. I highly recommend his course."

- Jason McCall


"Composing Made Easy is a fantastic introduction to composing with a DAW and Sound Libraries. I've been a fan of Simon's YouTube channel for years and was hoping he would release an online course. The lessons are very succinct and easy to follow. The homework assignments are challenging, fun and pushing me to get out of my comfort zone without being overwhelming. Highly recommended."

- Mary Shaw


"First of all, I'd like to thank you for the quality of the course and the follow-up you offer. You really seem to take your students' needs seriously and you're really available. That's a real added value.

The course is a real gold mine! It's hard to really improve on it.."

- Sylvain Deneu

What is actually in the course?

What do I get when I enrol?


Here's what the course curriculum looks like.....

🎹 Module 1 - Chords & Harmony

First we take a look at chords, including chord voicing, inversions, and use of suspensions. Using these techniques, we then go about establishing a chord progression that will form the basis of a track so you can add extra detail and interest to your music with minimal effort. 

🎵 Module 2 - Motives & Melodies

Next we look at what makes a great melody and how they are built upon strong motives. We start by developing a two bar motive, alongside your chord progression from the previous module. Next we learn how to develop that motive into an 8 bar melody using a variety of techniques so that you can evoke powerful emotions in your listeners.

🎻 Module 3 - Instrumentation & Orchestration

This is a long one! The first half of the module is learning about all of the instruments found in an orchestra, along with additional instruments such as synths. Next we learn how to take your 8 bar melody and chord progression and orchestrate it in 7 contrasting ways. Starting simple and working up to a full symphonic orchestra. This is where you'll learn how to make your music sound rich, expansive and ultimately cinematic so you can impress everyone with your ability to produce music that sounds straight out of a Hollywood movie!

🧱 Module 4 - Using Stucture to extend 8 bars into a 2 minute piece 

After Module 3, you'll have 7 eight bar pieces. Using one of them, we'll go through how to extend it into a 2 minute piece of music. Studying various forms and existing pieces, we'll explore the use of 'A' and 'B' sections, as well as Intros and Outros. Gaining the ability to seamlessly create longer pieces is essential so you can take an initial idea and ultimately compose more music to send out into the world.

🎚️ Module 5 - How to Produce a great mockup 

Module 5 is all about learning the techniques needed to produce a great sounding mockup. We learn about how to manipulate midi to add life to your pieces, before taking a look at basic Mixing techniques including the use of Panning, using EQ, Reverb and Compression. Imagine the confidence you'll feel when playing your music back to other people, knowing that you've achieved a sound that to non musicians, may even sound like a real orchestra!

❤️ Module 6 - How to write in the style of Love 

Using the step by step CMOS process developed in modules 1-4, we then take the framework and apply it to writing a Love Theme.

🔦Module 7 - How to write the Main Titles of a Thriller 

Using the step by step process developed in modules 1-4, we then take the framework and apply it to write in the style of the main titles of a Thriller.

🚓Module 8 - How to write an Action Cue

Using the same framework, we have a go at writing an action cue. Within this module we also take a deep dive into Ostinatos.

🤡Module 9 - How to write a Comedy Cue

Using the same framework, we then look at comedy cues & how to apply the CMOS method in this genre of music.

These 4 genres gives you a large toolbox of strategies and techniques so you can make your composing process easier and faster. 

More Student feedback:

 I've watched countless youtube tutorials and I always felt lost and overwhelmed. Simon's YouTube channel breaks down the barriers for beginners like myself, and his course simplifies orchestration even more.

His step-by-step process of orchestration and its breakdown is clear and concise while teaching the inner complexities of orchestration. I'm pleasantly surprised by how much information is condensed in this course, and I often find myself revisiting different sections to further reinforce all the important tips and techniques.

If you're a beginner and want to dip your toes into orchestration and don't know where to begin I highly recommend composing academy's course. It truly is cinematic music made easy!

 - Nilesh Maharaj

What I like so much about this course is that it focuses on the creative side but still covers the technical side of composing, orchestrating and mixing cinematic music.

The information in the videos is clear and concise - packed full of everything needed to produce a great end result.

The course covers a lot of ground, starting with chord sequences to finishing with an orchestrated and mixed composition!

However, instead of becoming overwhelmed, Simon's step by step method and clear teaching made it easy to follow along and do the tasks involved.

I highly recommend this course to those who are just getting started in writing cinematic music and those more experienced who would like a clear pathway to create their next composition.

 - Nick Chenhall

What's included?

The entire Composing Cinematic Music Made Easy Curriculum Comprising of:

 ✔️Using my CMOS Method, learn how to get started, all the way through to producing a piece of music in different genres

 ✔️Workbooks & Cheat Sheets to help you throughout the course

✔️ Numerous Midi Files, Cubase files & PDF Scores 

✔️ Lifetime access to all the course material

✔️ All future updates to the course

✔️ Exclusive bonuses for your enjoyment! (See below for more details!)


🎁 I am also including some FREE bonuses:

Bonus #1 - Library & Production Music 101 Guide

A lot of the pieces of mine that I use to teach the concepts follow a format that would work well for library/production music. This guide goes through the core practical details around the business of Library Music, helping you to earn an income from your music. There is no greater feeling than earning money from your music (I will always remember that feeling of achieving my first sale!)

Bonus #2 - Getting Started with Cubase: A Comprehensive Beginner's Mini Course

Cubase is my main DAW of choice and as such I use it exclusively to teach the musical concepts in the course, along with providing Cubase Project files. If you wish to use Cubase and are new to the program, make sure to watch this bonus mini course with everything you need to know from installation all the way through to my favourite shortcuts. This course will speed up the learning curve so you can get composing faster!

Bonus #3 - A Beginner's Roadmap to understanding Sheet Music 

Throughout the course, as well as using the Midi editor in Cubase, I also use sheet music to demonstrate core concepts. If you struggle to read notation, check out this bonus tutorial, which will help you to get the most out of the course. I feel in the long term it can be a huge benefit, particularly when analysing existing scores from the great film and classical composers. If you can't read music, or need some brushing up, this introductory tutorial covers the basics.

Bonus #4 - My Perfect Gear Checklist 

A handy checklist of gear that I recommend from basic starter requirements, for complete beginners, all the way to a dream setup of hardware & software. I include shopping lists with links to my favourite retailers to take the constant scrolling & researching away.

Bonus #5 - Composing Academy Community

Based on previous student's feedback I have created a community where likeminded people can come together to ask questions, share ideas, creativity & their music if they wish. I post monthly challenges, so you can stay on track with your composing.

Bonus #6 - Discounts off various Sample Libraries 

Finally, we are very excited to be partnering with Sample Library Developers such as the Cinematic Studio Series, East West Sounds, Sonixinema & Strezov Sampling to offer discounts on their sample libraries to students who purchase the course. Typical discounts are around 30% off!

Bonus #7 - Monthly Q&A Sessions

I host a monthly Q&A session where you can join me on Zoom with other likeminded composers, talk about what you are struggling with and ask questions to help you progress with the course.

Bonus #8 - Unlimited Email Support

I want my students to progress seamlessly throughout the course & that is why I offer unlimited email support. You can also leave comments under the lessons in the course, which I will respond to. 

Bonus #9 - Focus Sessions

If like many people, you find yourself struggling to find time to compose - you may be interested in the Composing Academy Focus Sessions. These are an allotted time twice a month where you can work on the course and write music in an accountable setting. Let's stop putting off things we love and find a set time each month for it. 

So who is the course not for?

Cinematic Music Made Easy is not aimed at seasoned or professional composers who have a lot of experience writing in different styles. 

I also don't go through the specific skills and techniques required to write to video in this course. It's more geared towards writing Cinematic sounding music, particularly like you'd find in Library or Production music or say for the Main Titles for a film. 

More recent feedback on Cinematic Music Made Easy:

"The course 'Composing Cinematic Music Made Easy' was a great enrichment for me as a beginner. Modest knowledge. In my opinion, the structure of this course is optimal. Everything I needed was there. From the introduction to harmonies, chord progressions and their various voicings, to melody development (including voice leading), motifs and their further development.

The presentation of the orchestra instruments and their task and use in the orchestra. I found another topic of this course very interesting, the structures involved in developing a complete piece of music. The technical aspects that you have to consider in the DAW, such as velocity, expression and modulation, were also explained very well from my point of view and were easy to understand for me. Last but not least, it was about the basics of mixing and writing music in different styles. So for me a great course that I would recommend to anyone who wants to get into this topic"

Detlef Krystofiak

"The overall structure of this course promotes a comprehensive approach to the compositional process, each module’s well-detailed material acting within a larger, goal-driven context.

By allowing me to transform the numerous, incomplete fragments lying dormant on my computer into finished, high-quality works, this course has undeniably delivered on its promise.

Robert Mondross

Not Sure? I have a 100%, No Strings Attached,

30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

I am confident that you'll be happy with the course. However if you're are unhappy with your purchase and you feel it doesn't help you to improve your composing, then I think it's only right that you should get your money back.

I offer a 100% money back guarantee that lasts for 30 days from the date of purchase. If you're not satisfied for any reason during the first 30 days, just let us know and you'll get your money back, a full refund, no strings attached.



1 payment of


or 5 monthly payments of £89

You will receive:

✅ The Cinematic Music Made Easy Course 

✅ The Cinematic Music Made Easy Workbooks, PDF Scores & MIDI Files

 ❌ BONUS - Library & Production Music 101 Guide

BONUS - Getting started with Cubase: A Comprehensive Beginner's Tutorial

BONUS - A Beginner's Roadmap to Reading Sheet Music

BONUS - Discounts off various sample libraries such as Cinematic Studio Strings

BONUS - The Perfect Gear Checklist

BONUS - Composing Academy Community

BONUS - Unlimited Email Support

BONUS - Monthly Live Q&A Session

 BONUS - Focus Sessions

Buy Essential Package


1 payment of


or 6 monthly payments of £109

You will receive:

✅ The Cinematic Music Made Easy Course 

✅ The Cinematic Music Made Easy Workbooks, PDF Scores & MIDI Files

BONUS - Library & Productions Music 101 Guide

✅ BONUS - Getting Started with Cubase: A Comprehensive Beginner's Tutorial

BONUS - a Beginner's Roadmap to Reading Sheet Music

✅ BONUS - Discounts off various sample libraries such as Cinematic Studio Strings

BONUS - The Perfect Gear Checklist

BONUS - Composing Academy Community

BONUS - Unlimited Email Support

 BONUS - Monthly Live Q&A Session

 BONUS - Focus Sessions

Buy Elite Package

 📧Still not sure?  

Have some other questions?


Feel free to email me at 


[email protected] 


and I will come straight back to you! 

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