Free Training
Writing Comedy Music

Over the last few weeks I have been busy putting together a module on writing Comedy music for my composing course. I think out of all the styles film composers could be asked to write, I find writing authentic, humorous sounding music to be the hardest.

While there are a huge number of different...

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Piano Sketch to Strings

Why start with a Piano Sketch?

Get ideas down quickly
Piano Sketches enable you to compose quickly, getting ideas down fast, without
having to go searching for say a staccato Cello patch when you're thinking of
adding low strings.

Whole orchestral range at your fingers
You also have the whole range...

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Let's talk about Templates....

What is a template?

A template is basically a DAW project file, which contains all of your favourite samples and plugins pre-loaded, all routed and set up, so you can immediately start writing and producing music.

You can find plenty of examples online, where various composers such as Junkie XL...

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How to Voice Brass Chords for Maximum Power

Have you ever wanted to compose a huge climatic moment - either within a standalone piece or scoring a video?
Sometimes utilising the full force of a Brass section helps to get the job done. Today I'm going to show you how to write largepowerful chords using the...

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The Various Roles in the Music Team of a Hollywood Film

A student of mine recently asked me about the various roles found in a typical music team for a Hollywood film. It can often take a small army to help bring a score from inside the Composer's head onto a film, so I thought I would share some info on some of the more prominent roles within a...

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Ostinatos - How some of the top composers use them in film

Ostinatos are repeating patterns of notes and are used by many Film and TV composers to help create movement and a sense of urgency in their music. Hans Zimmer frequently makes use of Ostinatos in his music, so I thought I would dive into a couple of examples of how he constructs and uses them.


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Cakewalk for Beginners

Cakewalk by Bandlab is a fully featured DAW that is absolutely FREE! Previously known as Sonar, it's extensive midi and audio capabilities, all for zero cost, I think, make it ideal for Composers just starting out.

Above is a link to my latest YouTube video, where I go through step by...

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The Dreaded Blank Page

In my newsletter this week, I went through different options to avoid staring at a blank page or computer screen not sure how to get started. The best ways to gain inspiration are sometimes the most obscure. From using dice, composing using words & even just using every day numbers there is...

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